Our shops and supermarkets depend on the service of delivery. As we have seen on the news recently, haulage companies have made their feelings known by a drive-by of parliament in London. They would like the tax element of the fuel we pay for, cut. This is up for debate at the moment. Should they perhaps have help, as do farmers who produce our food? Perhaps we just need to go to the times when all we had was local produce at the local market?
Well here we are in September, a little later than expected. In my experience the rise in fuel costs have been a revelation. Motorists have seemed to drive slower.....did someone tell them that this kind of attitude would save fuel? There have also been reports of people 'coasting' downhill (which is an obvious fuel saver, but also illegal). This has prompted the obvious question of "Why did we hurtle at such terrific speeds in the first place?" There are still those powerful gas-guzzlers that seem to laugh in your face by zooming past at 90's and tons-plus, but these seem to be few. All I can think of then, is the 'tortoise and the hare' story. Well, if oil was to ever run out, at least they will have a little,  metal home to live in with all their dvd's and mp3s to play.
Another remarkable consequence is the increase in bicycle uptake. You don't need statistics to see that more and more folk are riding two wheels. I have been doing this for many years and enjoying it for fun. Recently I needed to get out of the car to exercise more as I noticed my BMI was creeping up. So, I rent a garage about half a mile away, requiring a cycle ride (or a long walk) to use the vehicle. In all sorts of weather too. Interesting to see whether the new additions will be travelling to work in the snow and ice as well as the sunshine/rain that we've had this summer!!

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